水曜日, 12月 03, 2008

BoA Models for "Audio Technica" in Japan

BoA has signed a contract to model for a Japanese audio firm "Audio Technica" which manufactures sound related devices such as headphones and microphones. The new commercial features BoA's remake of her 2004 Christmas hit, Merry Chri. "I felt that the first version lacked emotion which makes the song seem a bit immature. I sang this remake so that it involved a lot more emotion to make the song feel complete," stated BoA, showing her growth as a singer.

BoA was excited to receive a request to advertise for the company as she had already been using their headphones in her everyday life. "I felt really comfortable making this commercial because it features me singing my own song Merry Chri," BoA said smiling.

Make sure to check out the commercial under our advertisement page!
(On the top menu, under About BoA, you should see and advertisement link!)

Credits : BoA's House