日曜日, 6月 17, 2007

BoA Performs on Korean TV and has Mini Fanmeeting (at Korea) June 10, 2007

I would like to share a story from a friend of mine from boashouse who meet BoA so many times and I really envy him and he's so lucky to meet BoA and I really hope and wish I was lucky like him to meet my favorite Pop Star BoA someday. His name is alex, he's kind and sweet person and here's his story.
June 10, 2007, BoA performed on a Korean music show for the first time in two years. SM announced that there would also be a mini fanmeeting after the show. Thus, alex, the administrator of BoA's House decided to go meet her. Waking up at 8:30 in the morning, he left to the KBS broadcasting network in Yeoido, Seoul. Only a total of 100 people were allowed in with the Official Korean BoA Fanclub, JumpingBoA, as seats were very limited. He arrived at 9:20 AM, about.. 9 hours before the show actually started. (The show starts at 5:50 PM). Already, there were about 40 people there waiting to get their number. Unfortunately, he did not know they had to "register" to get in the 100 list beforehand. However, since he was a member of the JumpingBoA Official Fanclub, he got first prioriety after the ones who did register, giving me a number of 2-1 and also a number of 59 for BoA's mini fanmeeting after the show.
He got his ticket afterwards, Row D, Seat 236. He thought row D was the 4th row from the front but he was wrong.

It was the 4th section on the first floor way in the back. Still, it was pretty close since the hall was not that large. The sun was shining its rays like it hasn't done for months. He brought his mp3 player and listened to some BoA songs and also watched the MIT live tour while waiting. After waiting in the blazing sun for 9 hours, he finally got in.

Unfortunately, he couldn't take photos except this since they didnt allow photography. It's fine since the video is out already in high quality. Anyways, BoA rocked the stage with My Name and Girls on Top as you will soon see by downloading the performance from the BoA multimedia forum. He screamed my lungs out like he never did before but still, He was one of the quieter fans. After the astonishing performance, we went outside for the mini fanmeeting. It was held outside in the small garden in the KBS broadcasting center.

Some balloons were prepared as her small stage and the eager fans waited for her to come. The staff handed out some Official yellow fanclub balloons so he hogged lots to give to our fellow BoA's House members ^^.

From the right, he suddenly saw this angel with a black skirt (unlike the white she wore for her performance, climb up the stairs. Everyone started screaming. She came out on the small balloon stage, and we sang two songs we prepared for her. First was a song composed by the staff of BoA's official fanclub. It was really lame.. and BoA agreed also.

Then we sang a classic song, "You were born to be loved" and gave her a cake with candles to blow out. She cut the cake after the song was over and blew out the candles.

Then, she started to talk. She first apologized for not being able to perform alot in Korea and promised to come back with some great songs sometime soon. BoA also stated that she visits several BoA fansites and also reads all their comments. "Some of you said I gained some weight during the Hallyu Expo! Then, after seeing a photo of me at the harvard lecture, you guys said I lost my weight again! What average weight am I supposed to stay in?" BoA said with a playful voice.

On the right side, some fans complained BoA's face was being covered by a yellow smiley balloon. BoA went up to the balloon and said "You meanie! How dare you block my face to my fans!" with a cute child's voice. Everyone started screaming as she talked with a child's voice. She then said bye after a short 8 minute talk and walked away. It was definately a "mini" fanmeeting.

After the fanmeeting he grabbed the yellow balloon she moved and brought it home. (shown above hehe) he also recieved the piece of cake BoA cut herself and ate it. There were no plates so there it is in my hand.

It was sweet potato cake. It was soo good that he ate it in two bites

On his last post on boashouse he said this "So there you go. That was my day with BoA. I hogged alot of balloons and bromides for our fellow members so if your lucky, you might just be able to recieve one."

Oh~ see? he's so lucky even to see BoA again.. I hope I can get to see BoA someday too ^^v I won't lose hope for that ^^v